CHE.05561.04 - Polymer Physical Chemistry (Veranstaltungsübersicht)
CHE.05561.04 Institut für Chemie 10 CP

Polymer Physical Chemistry

Lehrveranstaltungen SoSe 2024
Prüfungsvorleistung Modul
completed lab course protocols, written examination and seminar problem set solutions "Physical Chemistry", written examination and seminar problem set solutions "Polymer Characterization", written examination and completed lab course protocols "Instrumental Analytics of Polymers"
Prüfungsleistung Modul
oral or written examination (Instrumental Analytics, Physical Chemistry, Polymer Characterization)
  • The students obtain basics of the physical chemistry of polymers and their characterization methods.
  • The overview of analytical techniques for polymers enables the students for their practical application.
  • They learn to perform basic polymer analyses using different techniques.
  • Finally, they improve their capabilities in writing of scientific reports.
Modulteile Semesterveranstaltungen Prüfungsleistung
LV 1: Vorlesung (Lecture Instrumental Analytics of Polymers)
LV 2: Praktikum (Lab course Instrumental Analytics of Polymers)
LV 3: Vorlesung (Lecture Physical Chemistry)
LV 4: Seminar (Seminar Physical Chemistry)
LV 5: Vorlesung (Lecture Polymer Characterization)
LV 6: Seminar (Seminar Polymer Characterization)
LV 7: Praktikum (Lab course Polymer Characterization)
LV 8: Kursus (Private study)