INF.06126.02 - Computational Biodiversity Lab (Vollständige Modulbeschreibung)
Originalfassung Englisch
INF.06126.02 5 CP
Modulbezeichnung Computational Biodiversity Lab
Modulcode INF.06126.02
Semester der erstmaligen Durchführung
Fachbereich/Institut Institut für Informatik
Verwendet in Studiengängen / Semestern
  • Bioinformatik (MA120 LP) (Master) > Bioinformatik BioinformatikMA120, Akkreditierungsfassung (WS 2009/10 - SS 2016) > Bioinformatik
  • Bioinformatik (MA120 LP) (Master) > Bioinformatik BioinformatikMA120, Akkreditierungsfassung (WS 2016/17 - WS 2022/23) > Bioinformatik (HI)
  • Informatik (MA120 LP) (Master) > Informatik InformatikMA120, Akkreditierungsfassung (WS 2013/14 - SS 2016) > Vertiefende Module der Vertiefungsrichtung `Bioinformatik`
  • Informatik (MA120 LP) (Master) > Informatik InformatikMA120, Akkreditierungsfassung (WS 2016/17 - WS 2022/23) > Vertiefende Module der Vertiefungsrichtung `Bioinformatik`
Weitere verantwortliche Personen
Prof. Jonathan Chase, Dr. Annabell Berger
In the last years computer science developed more and more to a field bridging the gap between its theory and practice. Nowadays, algorithms have to solve special problems with underlying data sets and not only well-defined, idealized problems. These new conditions lead to a more comprehensive thinking style in computer science connecting many fields like algorithm theory, network analysis, data mining, software engineering and theoretical informatics. But very often computer scientists are focused on very technical problems. The new pioneering challenge is to discover the living world which is mostly much more complex.
Biodiversity science is experiencing a 'Renaissance' and is poised to address some of the most critical problems facing humanity in an increasingly human dominated world. Its theory is based on a set of mathematical-inspired foundational principles, including evolutionary process, thermodynamics and stoichiometry, birth-death processes, network theory and probability. The next generation of biodiversity scientists will need be adept at a diversity of complex quantitative approaches.
In this seminar we want to connect computer science and biodiversity research starting with some foundations of every field like dynamical systems (Lotka,Volterra), algorithmic graph theory, network analysis and probability (birth-death processes). We want to point out basic principles and methods and then connect them very fast to concrete biodiversity problems. This course offers lectures about fundamentals, practical work on scientific papers, work on concrete problems and exercises. We offer discussions and want to talk with you. This course teaches the basics of the new arising field of computational biodiversity sciences.
  • Biodiversity
  • Dynamical Systems
  • Network Analysis
  • Algorithmic Graph Theory
  • Data analysis
  • Stability
  • Probability
  • Birth-Death Processes
  • Case Studies
Lehrveranstaltungsformen Seminar (4 SWS)
Unterrichtsprachen Deutsch, Englisch
Dauer in Semestern 1 Semester Semester
Angebotsrhythmus Modul nicht festlegbar
Aufnahmekapazität Modul unbegrenzt
Credit-Points 5 CP
Modulabschlussnote LV 1: %; LV 2: %; LV 3: %.
Faktor der Modulnote für die Endnote des Studiengangs 1
Modulveran­staltung Lehrveranstaltungs­form Veranstaltungs­titel SWS Workload Präsenz Workload Vor- / Nach­bereitung Workload selbstge­staltete Arbeit Workload Prüfung incl. Vorbereitung Workload Summe
LV 1 Seminar Seminar 4 0
LV 2 Kursus Selbststudium 0
LV 3 Kursus Exam preparation 0
Workload modulbezogen 150 150
Workload Modul insgesamt 150
Prüfung Prüfungsvorleistung Prüfungsform
LV 1
LV 2
LV 3
Regelmäßige Mitarbeit und aktive Beteiligung bei den Übungsteilen der Veranstaltung;, Präsentation von erfolgreich gelösten Hausaufgaben
mündliche Prüfung oder Klausur
Regularien Teilnahme­voraussetzungen Angebots­rhythmus Anwesenheits­pflicht Gewicht an Modulnote in %
LV 1 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 2 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 3 Wintersemester Nein %