BIO.07011.03 - Research internship 'Molecular and Cellular Biosciences' (Vollständige Modulbeschreibung)
Originalfassung Englisch
BIO.07011.03 15 CP
Modulbezeichnung Research internship 'Molecular and Cellular Biosciences'
Modulcode BIO.07011.03
Semester der erstmaligen Durchführung
Fachbereich/Institut Institut für Biologie
Verwendet in Studiengängen / Semestern
  • Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MA120 LP) (Master) > Biologie MoCeBioMA120, Akkreditierungsfassung gültig ab WS 2020/21 > Pflichtmodule
Weitere verantwortliche Personen
Professors of the study program
Successful completion of the module Fundamentals in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences and of at least one project module /// * Students will have to submit the application form for the module in the examination office ('Prüfungsamt') prior to the start of the module *
  • Acquisition of practical skills and competence necessary to work independently on a scientific project. The internship will be supervised.
  • Learn how to develop a research project independently, and how to design and plan experiments to expand the current scientific knowledge.
  • Learn how to document and appraise critically one's own experimental findings.
  • Develop technical skills specific to the project.
  • Learn how to appraise independently and critically the scientific literature.
  • Learn how to evaluate scientific results.
  • Discussion of scientific results in lab meetings.
  • The assigned project will be related to an on-going research topic in the laboratory of choice, and will be in one of the departments assigned to the MSc Molecular and Cellular Biology program.
  • Students will learn methods and skills specific and appropriate to research performed in laboratory settings.
  • Students will receive instruction in critical data analysis.
  • Students will participate in lab seminars and discuss their scientific results.
  • Students will learn how to prepare their data for scientific publication.
Lehrveranstaltungsformen Praktikum (14 SWS)
Seminar (1 SWS)
Unterrichtsprachen Deutsch, Englisch
Dauer in Semestern 3 Monate Semester
Angebotsrhythmus Modul jedes Semester
Aufnahmekapazität Modul unbegrenzt
Credit-Points 15 CP
Modulabschlussnote LV 1: %; LV 2: %; LV 3: %; LV 4: %; LV 5: %.
Faktor der Modulnote für die Endnote des Studiengangs 1
Modulveran­staltung Lehrveranstaltungs­form Veranstaltungs­titel SWS Workload Präsenz Workload Vor- / Nach­bereitung Workload selbstge­staltete Arbeit Workload Prüfung incl. Vorbereitung Workload Summe
LV 1 Praktikum Practical work and analysis of scientific data 14 0
LV 2 Kursus Literature search literature search 0
LV 3 Kursus Private study 0
LV 4 Seminar Lab seminar 1 0
LV 5 Kursus Writing of a scientific report 0
Workload modulbezogen 450 450
Workload Modul insgesamt 450
Prüfung Prüfungsvorleistung Prüfungsform
LV 1
LV 2
LV 3
LV 4
LV 5
Written scientific report
Regularien Teilnahme­voraussetzungen Angebots­rhythmus Anwesenheits­pflicht Gewicht an Modulnote in %
LV 1 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 2 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 3 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 4 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 5 Wintersemester Nein %