CHE.05565.02 - Master Thesis (M.Sc.) (Complete module description)

CHE.05565.02 - Master Thesis (M.Sc.) (Complete module description)

Original version English
CHE.05565.02 30 CP
Module label Master Thesis (M.Sc.)
Module code CHE.05565.02
Semester of first implementation
Faculty/Institute Institut für Chemie
Module used in courses of study / semesters
  • Polymer Materials Science (MA120 LP) (Master) > Werkstofftechnik PolymerMaterialScMA120, Version of accreditation valid from WS 2014/15 > Pflichtmodule
Responsible person for this module
Further responsible persons
Hochschullehrer der Institute Physik oder Chemie bzw. des Fachbereiches der Hochschule Merseburg
at least 75 Credit Points (75 LP)
Skills to be acquired in this module
  • The students will be enabled to carry out independent research.
  • They will do literature studies and experimental work.
  • Finally, the students write and defend their thesis.
Module contents
This module covers the main part of the master course: The independent research work on a scientific or engineering based topic. The students must perform literature research, collect and evaluate experimental data, do their own research strategies, and finally present the results including a defense.
Form of instruction Independent supervised work (30 SWS)
Languages of instruction German, English
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester Semester
Module frequency jedes Semester
Module capacity unlimited
Time of examination
Credit points 30 CP
Share on module final degree Course 1: %.
Share of module grade on the course of study's final grade 1
Form of instruction Independent supervised work
Course name Master Thesis
SWS 30
Workload of compulsory attendance
Workload of preparation / homework etc
Workload of independent learning
Workload (examination and preparation)
Workload total 0
Workload self-arranged work (module-oriented 900
Total module workload 900
Type of examination
Frequency Summer or winter semester
Capacity unlimited