Seminar: "Ich bin ein Berliner": American Literature in Berlin - Aufbaumodul - Details
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General information

Course name Seminar: "Ich bin ein Berliner": American Literature in Berlin - Aufbaumodul
Course number ANG.05280.03; ANG.06158.01; ANG.06153.01
Semester SoSe 2024
Current number of participants 21
expected number of participants 20
Home institute Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Courses type Seminar in category Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
Next date Thursday, 30.05.2024 16:15 - 17:45, Room: Seminarraum 5 (R.E.61) [EA 26-27
Studiengänge (für) BA Anglistik und Amerikanistik 60 und 90 LP;
ECTS points 5

Module assignments


Das Seminar startet voraussichtlich ab Mai mit regulären Sitzungen sowie einem Blockseminar ( 3-4 Stunden) einem Samstag gegen Ende der Vorlesungszeit.

Invested in a transnational framework, this seminar will focus on the literary representation of Berlin in exemplary texts by a diverse group of American authors, such as Mark Twain, Vladimir Nabokov, Christopher Isherwood, William Gardner Smith, Joyce Carol Oates, Audre Lorde, Paul Beatty, Darryl Pinckney, Calla Henkel, and Lauren Oyler. Through close readings and discussions, we will try to map out and contextualize the “meaning” of Berlin within the US American literary imagination, highlighting the motif, narration, and stylization of an “American Berlin” at the intersections of race, gender, sexuality, and nation.

Required texts:
Isherwood, Christopher. The Berlin Stories. New Directions, 2008. (Excerpts)
Smith, William Gardner. Last of the Conquerors. 1948. Chatham Booksellers, 1973.
Beatty, Paul. Slumberland. 2008. Oneworld, 2017. (Excerpts)
Pinckney, Darryl. Black Deutschland. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016.
Henkel, Calla. Other People’s Clothes. Sceptre, 2021.
Oyler, Lauren. Fake Accounts. Fourth Estate, 2022.

Additional texts and course material will be made available.