andere Veranstaltung: 2020/11/23 Interview Training for International Students from Gen Z - Details
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General information

Course name andere Veranstaltung: 2020/11/23 Interview Training for International Students from Gen Z
Semester WS 2020/21
Current number of participants 12
expected number of participants 25
Home institute Career Center
Courses type andere Veranstaltung in category Sonstige Veranstaltungen
First date Monday, 23.11.2020 14:00 - 16:00, Room: (Link to the event:
Type/Form Online-Seminar
Participants Alle interessierten Studierenden, Absolvent*Innen und Alumnae.
Pre-requisites Anmeldung ausschließlich über:
Miscellanea Made with 100% love by your Career Center-Team. Spread it.

Updates/Änderungen/kurzfristige Infos kommen auf die studentische E-Mail Adresse.

Rooms and times

(Link to the event:
Monday, 23.11.2020 14:00 - 16:00

Fields of study


During the interview training you will learn how prepare your elevator pitch and break the ice in the beginning. You will receive a working step-by-step guide on how to prepare for the interview and understand the expectations of the interviewers. We will discuss the answers to the most challenging questions as well as the techniques on how to be remembered and stand out among many other candidates. Sounds good? Then join us on the 23.11.20!

Olena Chernyshenko is an alumni of MLU Halle-Wittenberg (class of 2011). Over the last 9 years she was working in the retail fashion industry in the business process engineering area as well as in the supply chain. Olena has several years of experience as a project manager, working currently in the leading consumer goods company. Being passionate about sharing her knowledge with young professionals she started making-my-career startup, which cooperates with universities’ career centers. Over 500 students could already benefit from various career seminars and workshops and you could be the next!

Link to the event: