Seminar: LV 6 "Structural Change in the Central German Coal Region" für Projektstudium I; Projektstudium II; Human Geography 10; Intergrative Geography 1 - Details
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General information

Course name Seminar: LV 6 "Structural Change in the Central German Coal Region" für Projektstudium I; Projektstudium II; Human Geography 10; Intergrative Geography 1
Course number GEO.07186; GEO.07187; GEO.07767; GEO.07221
Semester SoSe 2024
Current number of participants 6
expected number of participants 24
Home institute Anthropogeographie
Courses type Seminar in category Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
Next date Wednesday, 03.07.2024 10:00 - 14:00, Room: HS 4 1.43 [VSP 4] (Geowiss.)VLAS
ECTS points 10

Fields of study

Module assignments


Dieses Seminar kann genutzt werden, um folgende Modulleistungen zu erbringen:
GEO.07186 Projektstudium I (Bachelor Geographie)
GEO.07187 Projektstudium II (Bachelor Geographie)
GEO.07767 Human Geography 10
GEO.07221 Integrative Geography 1: Global and Regional Geographies - Example Case Study

Thema: Structural Change in the Central German Coal Region

This module will equip students with the skills and conceptual ideas to conduct their own small research projects in the Central German Coal Region area. The module will include introductions of a broader understanding of structural change, as part of a long durée of shifting industrial lives and enduring cultural identities and landscapes. Conceptual themes will include community, material and infrastructural landscapes, and future-making, to inform students’ own perspectives on the structural change in the region, as coal transitions accelerate and the legacies of reunification endure. It will also feature guest lectures from others researching and working in the area of coal transition, including in how Just Transition Fund money is allocated.

Students will conduct small fieldwork projects and produce a report in small groups. Projects could include work on heritage expressions in the landscape, the emotional legacies of displacement by migrating coal fields, or the post-industrial landscape from historical industries. The module will also build on students’ methodological skills, introducing ethnographic fieldwork that students will conduct in small groups as part of the module.

Teachings, Readings, and Assessments for this module will be in English.

A compulsory reading list for the module will be provided shortly, as well as a schedule. The module will be conducted as a block seminar, with a block in April, a short block in May, and another in July where students will present the findings of their research. Outstanding projects will be published as part of the Department's Working Paper series.