Seminar: From the Revolution to Noam Chomsky: Portraits of Prominent American Dissenters and Their Causes - Vertiefungsmodul - Details

Seminar: From the Revolution to Noam Chomsky: Portraits of Prominent American Dissenters and Their Causes - Vertiefungsmodul - Details

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General information

Course name Seminar: From the Revolution to Noam Chomsky: Portraits of Prominent American Dissenters and Their Causes - Vertiefungsmodul
Course number ANG.05294.03
Semester SoSe 2024
Current number of participants 7
expected number of participants 20
Home institute Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Courses type Seminar in category Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
First date Tuesday, 02.04.2024 16:15 - 17:45, Room: Seminarraum 3 [AKStr.35] (Angl.)
Learning organisation Potential participants should be aware that this course requires a high level of commitment and active participation. This includes independent research in the library, particularly the use of its resources. Weekly sessions are based on completing extensive reading and writing assignments. The reading workload pages per week may range from 15 to 30 pages.
Students should understand that this class is not a lecture; rather, it is a seminar designed for active engagement and discussion of the information and ideas they have prepared specifically for each class session. This format relies on the presence of participants who have thoroughly prepared, enabling them to contribute effectively within this academic context.
Regular attendance is expected, and students must ensure that their extracurricular activities do not interfere with their ability to dedicate adequate time to this course.
Performance record Students can earn two types of credit in this class:
1) A "Studienleistung" is recorded in the university's computer system when all tasks set during the lecture period have been completed and written assignments have been submitted in full, on time and in good quality.
2) Students receive credit for a "Modulleistung" upon successfully completing the "Modulabschlussprüfung". Detailed instructions on the nature of the final exam will be given at an appropriate time during the semester.
Studiengänge (für) ANG.04630.02 für LAG, LAS, LAF (2012, 2015) / MA Engl. Sprache und Literatur 45/75 LP / MA Angloam. Literatur, Sprache und Kultur 120 LP

Module assignments


This class offers opportunities for an in-depth exploration of dissent in American history. It will examine key figures from the revolutionary era to modern times, analyzing their ideologies, methods, and societal impacts. Students will examine the lives of individuals such as Thomas Paine, Susan B. Anthony, Martin Luther King Jr., Noam Chomsky, and others. Through critical analysis of primary sources and scholarly texts, they will gain insight into the diverse movements for social change in the United States, exploring themes of justice, equality, and the struggle against oppression.