Language course: Preliminary English A2/B1 (4SWS) Kein ASQ! - Details
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General information

Course name Language course: Preliminary English A2/B1 (4SWS) Kein ASQ!
Semester SS 2021
Current number of participants 7
expected number of participants 20
Home institute Sprachenzentrum
Courses type Language course in category Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
First date Monday, 12.04.2021 08:15 - 09:45
Participants Aus alle Fachbereichen.
Pre-requisites Zur Auffrischung der Abiturkenntnisse.
Performance record Keiner.
Studiengänge (für) Alle.

Rooms and times

No room preference
Monday: 18:00 - 19:30, weekly
Thursday: 18:00 - 19:30, weekly


This course will be taught online. The exact tools used will be announced in the weeks leading up to the beginning of lectures.

Dieser Kurs wird online unterrichtet.

Allgemeinsprachiger Kurs im Anforderungsbereich Preliminary

Recommended for people who need to refresh their English skills before taking on B1 English course work.

This course is not graded.