General information
Course name | Seminar: BA Aufbaumodul Regierungslehre und Policyforschung (Sem. IIg: French Politics) (in Englisch) |
Subtitle | The political system of France: transformations and challenges |
Semester | SS 2021 |
Current number of participants | 8 |
maximum number of participants | 30 |
Home institute | Politikwissenschaft |
participating institutes | Regierungslehre und Policyforschung |
Courses type | Seminar in category Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen |
First date | Wednesday, 14.04.2021 13:00 - 14:30 |
Participants |
Studierende in den BA-Studiengängen Politikwissenschaft 60 / 90 / 120 / 180 LP Lehramt Sozialkunde Förderschule / Sekundarschule / Gymnasium Gäste lt. Modulhandbuch |
Pre-requisites |
Wünschenswert: - Erfolgreicher Abschluss des Basismoduls Regierungslehre und Policyforschung - Erfolgreicher Abschluss des Moduls Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft - ASQ Modul Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten |
Learning organisation |
Regelmäßige Mitarbeit, Textlektüre, Referat, Hausarbeit (in einem von zwei Seminaren). The classes will be held online on a weekly basis and will draw upon the assigned reading for the week: documents must therefore be consulted prior to each session, so that they can be discussed collectively in class. Scientific papers can be found in pdf format on the studIP platform, other documents can be found using the URL links provided below. Students will also be in charge of introducing each session with a short oral presentation (around 10- 15 minutes) in English focusing on the week’s theme, for which they will be required to go beyond the assigned reading and bring new elements they find illuminating for the group to discuss. The rest of the session will be dedicated to a form of interactive lecture, which allows for both moments of collective discussion of the material, and moments of more traditional teaching. Before the end of the semester, students will be required to write a research paper (10-15 pages) on the theme of their choice that will constitute their grade for the semester. The last class will be dedicated to the methodology of writing such research paper, but guidance and advice can and will be provided along the course of the classes as well. If you have questions or queries, please reach out. |
Performance record | 10 ETCS-Punkte ergeben sich aus dem Besuch der beiden Seminare (BA Aufbaumodul Regierungslehre und Policyforschung) im WiSe und SoSe und einer Hausarbeit (i.d.R. im Seminar im SoSe). |
Studiengänge (für) | BA-Studiengänge und siehe Modulhandbuch |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS points | 10 |