Lecture: Advanced Computational Physics [PHY.06614.02] - Details
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General information

Course name Lecture: Advanced Computational Physics [PHY.06614.02]
Course number PHY.06614.02
Semester SoSe 2024
Current number of participants 15
Home institute Institut für Physik
Courses type Lecture in category Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
Next date Tuesday, 21.05.2024 12:15 - 13:45, Room: Seminarraum 1.02 [VSP 1] (Physik)
Pre-requisites Knowledge of quantum mechanics.
A basic knowledge of the linux operative system is highly recommended.
Some knowledge of Fortran programming language may be useful but not necessary.

Module assignments


This course provides an introduction to numerical techniques used for solving quantum many-body problems. It covers (Quantum) Monte Carlo, Hartree Fock and Density Functional Theory. The course and its seminar module are intended to provide solid theoretical understanding of all fundamental concepts of solid state physics and the capability to compute electronic and mechanical properties of materials with state of the art numerical methods.

We should stress that these numerical methods, while being a pillar of modern material science and a necessary tool for theoreticians, can be extremely helpful to experimentalist as an instrument to support and interpret observations.

The course will be highly interactive, depending on the interests and background of the class we will steer towards specific directions, possibly including the use of machine learning methods or the discussion of selected topics in material science.