Vorlesung: Advanced Course on Theory and Methodology in Social Anthropology - Details

Vorlesung: Advanced Course on Theory and Methodology in Social Anthropology - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Vorlesung: Advanced Course on Theory and Methodology in Social Anthropology
Semester WS 2010/11
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 2
Heimat-Einrichtung Ethnologie/Kulturvergleichende Soziologie
Veranstaltungstyp Vorlesung in der Kategorie Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
Erster Termin Mittwoch, 13.10.2010 10:15 - 11:45
Art/Form EE/AC (MA)
Teilnehmende Studienprogramm: Master (75/45 LP & 120 LP)
Modul: EE/AC
Lernorganisation Kommentar:
This lecture gives an overview of the main themes in anthropological theorizing and methodological approaches on an advanced level. The goal is to aquire the competence to frame and formulate a scientific argument by drawing on theoretical and methodological approaches appropriate to the object of study. The lecture is strcutured along the following issues:

1 Social structures & social spheres: economy (division of labour), law (normative orders), politics (forms of domination), knowledge and religion, social organisation, differenciation.
2 Collective identitities: categorizations, groups, networks, descent, kinship, territoriality, gender, age, class, lifestyle, ethnicity/nation.
3 Interaction & microsocial analysis: social roles,
4 Historic approaches: ethnohistory, processes of change, memory.
5 Diffusion & evolution: development, globalization, transnationalism, translation
6 Space & materiality: spatiality and materiality of social orders.
7 Knowledge, reflexivity, epistemologies: social constructivism, postststructuralism / post-foundationalism, regimes of knowledge
8 Fieldwork: participant observation, interviewing, fieldnotes, microcensus, genealogical method, plurilocal ethnography, situational analysis, selfstreflexivity and research ethics.
9 Identifying, accessing and analyzing sources: oral histories, material and immaterial products from the field, cultural traits, performances, gray literature, archive.
10 Quantitative und qualitative generalizations: comparison, extended case method, network analysis, use of quantitative data.
ECTS-Punkte 5

Räume und Zeiten

Keine Raumangabe
Mittwoch: 10:15 - 11:45, wöchentlich(14x)


This lecture gives an overview of the main themes in anthropological theorizing and methodological approaches on an advanced level. The goal is to aquire the competence to frame and formulate a scientific argument by drawing on theoretical and methodological approaches appropriate to the object of study. The lecture is strcutured along the following issues:

1 Social structures & social spheres: economy (division of labour), law (normative orders), politics (forms of domination), knowledge and religion, social organisation, differenciation.
2 Collective identitities: categorizations, groups, networks, descent, kinship, territoriality, gender, age, class, lifestyle, ethnicity/nation.
3 Interaction & microsocial analysis: social roles,
4 Historic approaches: ethnohistory, processes of change, memory.
5 Diffusion & evolution: development, globalization, transnationalism, translation
6 Space & materiality: spatiality and materiality of social orders.
7 Knowledge, reflexivity, epistemologies: social constructivism, postststructuralism / post-foundationalism, regimes of knowledge
8 Fieldwork: participant observation, interviewing, fieldnotes, microcensus, genealogical method, plurilocal ethnography, situational analysis, selfstreflexivity and research ethics.
9 Identifying, accessing and analyzing sources: oral histories, material and immaterial products from the field, cultural traits, performances, gray literature, archive.
10 Quantitative und qualitative generalizations: comparison, extended case method, network analysis, use of quantitative data.