Vorlesung/Übung: Social-Ecological Systems 7: Research Excercise - Details
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Veranstaltungsname Vorlesung/Übung: Social-Ecological Systems 7: Research Excercise
Untertitel Practical applications of GIS
Veranstaltungsnummer GEO.07228
Semester WS 2022/23
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 1
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 15
Heimat-Einrichtung Nachhaltige Landschaftsentwicklung
Veranstaltungstyp Vorlesung/Übung in der Kategorie Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
Erster Termin Montag, 10.10.2022 18:00 - 20:00, Ort: (online synchron)
Art/Form Online
Teilnehmende Masterstudierende IAS-GCG, Geography, Biodiversity
Voraussetzungen Software: ArcGIS Pro
Studiengänge (für) Msc IAS-GCG
Msc IAS (Anerkennung)
Msc Geographie (Anerkennung)
Msc Biodiversity Science (Anerkennung)
Sonstiges Program
1. Data types and attributes
In this section, the types of data including shapefiles (point, line, and polygon), geodatabase, table, raster and the attribute tables of data are described in ArcGIS Pro. How to create different types of data for editing and data management are followed in the next steps.

2. Selection, extraction, and classification of data
The selection of data by field attribute and location are used in this class. How to do calculations on the attribute table of the data and grouping the values into classes using symbology are displayed in ArcGIS Pro.

3. Digital elevation modeling in GIS and extract information from elevation
The different methods to prepare the digital elevation model are used by applying interpolation methods or conversion tools. The other factors including slope, aspect, contour, hillshade, cull fill, and profile graph are extracted from DEM in this course.

4. 3D Analysis and its applications
The 3D Analyst extension in ArcGIS Pro provides tools for creating, visualizing, and analyzing GIS data particularly raster and vector data in a three-dimensional (3D) context.

5. Geostatistical analysis
Geostatistical Analyst extension provides the capability for surface modeling using geostatistical methods. The tools use interpolation models and assess their quality before using them in any further analysis. They are applied for water quality modeling, air pollution, petroleum and mining exploration, environmental analysis, and wildlife studies. Inverse distance weighted (IDW), Radial-based functions, and Kriging for exact and error-contaminated data are used in the section.

6. Hot-spot analysis
This tool identifies statistically significant spatial clusters of high values (hot spots) and low values (cold spots). It automatically aggregates incident data, identifies an appropriate scale of analysis, and corrects for both multiple testing and spatial dependence. For statistically significant positive p-values and z-scores, the larger the p-values and z-scores, the more intense the clustering of high values (hot spots).

7. Land use classification
Image classification is the process of extracting information from land cover categories using multiband satellite image. The image classification wizard in ArcGIS Pro is used in this exercise for preprocessing to segmentation of the image including classification method and type, training sample selection, training, classifying, and assessing accuracy.

8. Land use change detection
Change detection is the evaluation of change for land covers, vegetation coverages, and other types of change using images and raster datasets. The change detection wizard in ArcGIS Pro provides a workflow for performing change detection. There are different methods for change detection using categorical change that identifies the change between categorical land covers, pixel value change that calculates the difference in pixel values between multiband images, and time series change that identifies the date of change in the time series of images.

9. Geoprocessing using ArcGIS Pro
Geoprocessing in ArcGIS Pro allows students to perform spatial analysis and modeling as well as automate GIS tasks. A typical geoprocessing tool takes input data (a feature class, raster, or table), performs a geoprocessing task, and produces output data as a result. ArcGIS Pro contains more than a thousand geoprocessing tools. Examples of geoprocessing tools include tools for creating a buffer, clip, add field, cell statistics, euclidean distance, project, etc.

10. Site selection and land use suitability
In this exercise, site selection and suitability analysis with Spatial Analyst extension in ArcGIS Pro are used to find the suitable locations for a new park. The methods using Boolean logic, weighted linear combination (WLC), and fuzzy overlay are employed to implement the site suitability analysis in this section.

11. Flood hazard mapping
In this task, the layers of elevation, slope, distance from rivers, precipitation, geology and land use are used for flood hazard mapping. Next, they are classified and standardized (based on the probability of flooding) using fuzzy logic. Then the WLC method is used by multiplying the relative weight of the factor and the fuzzy standardized value of the factor to generate the final map of flooding in ArcGIS Pro.

12. Using Model Builder in ArcGIS Pro
Model Builder is one approach to creating the sequence of tools, whereby the output of one tool becomes the input to another tool. Model Builder is like a visual programming language – rather than using text-based instructions, it uses a visual owchart to sequence geoprocessing tasks. A model in this context is a visual representation of a sequence of geoprocessing tasks. Within ArcGIS Pro, models are tools, and once they are created, they work just like any other tool. In this section, geoprocessing tasks using Model Builder is performed. A site suitability model is also built using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension tools that finds suitable locations for a new park.

13. Iteration processes using Model Builder
Iterators in Model Builder enable batch processing and help repeat a process or set of processes on a set of inputs. The iterate files tool is used, which iterates over files in a folder. In this exercise, the iterate files tool is applied to generate a final output raster layer. The for loop tool is also used that iterates over a starting and ending value by a given value for the creation of buffers in a vector layer such as rivers, roads, etc.

14. Basics of ArcPy in ArcGIS Pro and exploring spatial data
In this section, we will start working with the ArcPy package. ArcPy is the Python package provided by ArcGIS to perform and automate geoprocessing and map production. Several approaches is also used to explore spatial data, including checking for the existence of datasets, describing datasets, and listing datasets in a workspace. List functions are used not only to list datasets, but also to list elements such as workspaces, fields, and tables.

15. Geoprocessing with Python using ArcPy
In this section, the students will learn how to apply the geoprocessing tools using arcpy in the python window such as select, buffer, clip, add field, make feature layer, select by feature layer, select layer by location, and copy features.

16. Spatial Analysis with Python using ArcPy – Part 1
The Spatial Analyst module, using, is a Python module for analyzing raster and vector data with the functionality provided by the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension. It provides access to all the geoprocessing tools available in the Spatial Analyst toolbox as well as other functions and classes that allow students to automate their raster processing workflows. In this section, an interpolation tool based on the IDW method is used to create a continuous (or prediction) surface from sampled elevation point values using ArcPy. The extraction tool using Extract by Mask is used to extract the cells of a raster that correspond to the areas defined by a mask. A condition statement is then employed to perform a conditional if/else evaluation on each of the input cells of an input raster for assigning values to the input raster. The spatial proximity tools based on the Euclidean distance is implemented in this section to train the students with another assignment.

17. Spatial Analysis with Python using ArcPy – Part 2
In this part, the surface analysis tools are used to obtain slope, aspect, contour, and viewshed from the raster elevation layer. Then, the map algebra operations are performed for raster analysis including multiplication, plus, and divide of raster layers. In the next section, the reclassify tool is used to reclass the values of raster layers.

18. Debugging and error handling in Python
In this exercise, debugging procedures provide a review of the most common Python errors. There are three main types of errors in Python: syntax errors, exceptions, and logic errors. Syntax errors prevent code from running in the first place. When an exception occurs, a script will stop running midprocess. A logic error means the script will run but produce undesired results. Syntax errors and exceptions are reviewed, with strategies on how to address them.
ECTS-Punkte 10

Räume und Zeiten

(online synchron)
Montag: 18:00 - 20:00, wöchentlich (14x)
Mittwoch: 16:00 - 18:00, wöchentlich (15x)



Dozent: Mojtaba Barzehkar von der Tallinn University of Technology
Lecturer: Mojtaba Barzehkar from Tallinn University of Technology

Hinweis: auch für Studierende des Msc Biodiversity Science (als Anerkennung)
Note: also possible for students of the Msc Biodiversity Science (as recognition)