Übung: Land System Science 2: Climate and Ecosystems (Practical Part) - Details
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Veranstaltungsname Übung: Land System Science 2: Climate and Ecosystems (Practical Part)
Veranstaltungsnummer GEO.07239, GEO.03562
Semester WS 2022/23
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 32
Heimat-Einrichtung Geoökologie
Veranstaltungstyp Übung in der Kategorie Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
Erster Termin Dienstag, 18.10.2022 16:00 - 18:00, Ort: PC 4 3.32 [VSP 4]
Art/Form Tutorium
Voraussetzungen No prior knowledge in R/Rstudio
Basic knowledge in Excel and GIS+Geodata
Leistungsnachweis Term paper
ECTS-Punkte 5


Introduction to R and RStudio, Climate data, data acquisition, understanding of data, R-Check-up using tutorials, Climate Indicators I: simple summary indicators; Control structures I, Climate Indicators II: threshold indicators; control structures II; functions, Climate Indicators III: temporal composites; general linear models, Climate Indicators IV: temporal thresholds, Climate Indicators V: complex indicators; raster and vector data I, raster and vector data I, raster and vector data II, Climate data portals; import of netCDF-files, Climate projection data under different scenarios; smoothing: moving average, Visualization with ggplot, Maps, 1. Introduction to R and RStudio, 2. Climate data, data acquisition, understanding of data, 3. R-Check-up using tutorials, 4. Climate Indicators I: simple summary indicators; Control structures I, 5. Climate Indicators II: threshold indicators; control structures II; functions, 6. Climate Indicators III: temporal composites; general linear models, 7. Climate Indicators IV: temporal thresholds, 8. Climate Indicators V: complex indicators; raster and vector data I, 9. ... raster and vector data I, 10. raster and vector data II, 11. Climate data portals; import of netCDF-files, 12. Climate projection data under different scenarios; smoothing: moving average, 13. Visualization with ggplot, 14. Maps




für Msc IAS und Msc Geographie: GEO.03562 Datengewinnung und Dateninterpretation

Learning Objectives:
- analyze climate data and projections independently
- Independently and correctly assess the informative value of geodata on climate and climate
change on the basis of acquired knowledge on uncertainties and their sources
- Develop source code for the analysis of climate indicators under guidance with R statistical software

- Technical access to data portals and preparation of climate measurement data and climate
- Analysis and visualization of climate data: Climate diagrams, frequency distributions, trend
and correlation analyses