Seminar: AM KuWi 1 / I (Angloam. Gesch.) | America's Values - Details
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Course name Seminar: AM KuWi 1 / I (Angloam. Gesch.) | America's Values
Subtitle America's Foundational Values and Beliefs: A Critical Evaluation
Course number ANG.03757.02; ANG.05272.03
Semester SS 2017
Current number of participants 8
expected number of participants 30
Home institute British and American Studies
Courses type Seminar in category Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
First date Tuesday, 04.04.2017 12:00 - 14:00
Studiengänge (für) BA Anglistik und Amerikanistik 60/90 LP; Lehrämter; BA IKEAS 120 LP
ECTS points 5

Rooms and times

No room preference
Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly(15x)

Module assignments


In the summer of 2015 the slogan "Make America great again" entered American political discourse and has remained a staple of current American rhetoric. Since the phrase has become shorthand for a political program that is intended to bring about fundamental changes in American politics and culture, it provides a welcome opportunity to inquire into the roots of the notion of America's "greatness." In 2010, before the advent of candidate Donald J. Trump, a Gallup poll found that at least 73% of Americans in all party groups were convinced that the United States has a "unique character because of its history and Constitution that sets it apart from other nations as the greatest in the world."

This class sets out to explore why the United States of America has seen itself as an exceptional nation, different from – and better than – other countries. Drawing on various types of primary documents, including presidential speeches, legislative acts, letters, essays, as well as research literature, this course will familiarize students with a central aspect of American history and culture.

Students interested in signing up for this class must be prepared to participate actively in class and to commit themselves to weekly reading and writing assignments. Reading material will be made available in the course of the semester.