Seminar: Financial Institutions, Bubbles, and Crashes, - a Long Run Perspective on Financial Crises - Details
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General information

Course name Seminar: Financial Institutions, Bubbles, and Crashes, - a Long Run Perspective on Financial Crises
Semester WS 2018/19
Current number of participants 1
Home institute VWL, insb. Empirische Makroökonomik
participating institutes Bereichsleitung Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Courses type Seminar in category Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
First date Friday, 26.10.2018 14:15 - 15:45
ECTS points 5

Rooms and times

No room preference
Friday, 26.10.2018 14:15 - 15:45
(Sitzungszimmer Dekanat, Raum 101, Gr. Steinstr. 73)
Friday, 14.12.2018 11:00 - 15:00

Module assignments