Seminar: Basismodul: Einführung in das Studium der angloamerikanischen Kulturwissenschaft - Details
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General information

Course name Seminar: Basismodul: Einführung in das Studium der angloamerikanischen Kulturwissenschaft
Subtitle Introduction to Anglo-American Cultural Studies
Course number ANG.02620.02; ANG.06103.01
Semester WS 2020/21
Current number of participants 153
maximum number of participants 200
Home institute British and American Studies
Courses type Seminar in category Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
First date Thursday, 05.11.2020 10:30 - 12:00, Room: Hörsaal I (ehem. HS 1.04 ) [AKStr.35]
Type/Form Basismodul/Einführung
Participants alle (Studienanfänger)
Pre-requisites Diese Veranstaltung ist auf Englisch!
Performance record Tutorium (wöchentlich, einstündig: FSQ), Project Proposal und Online-Lerneinheiten (Studienleistung), Offene E-Klausur (Prüfungsleistung)
Studiengänge (für) BA Anglistik und Amerikanistik 60/90 LP
BA IKEAS Anglo-Amerikanische Studien
LA (LAG, LAS, LAF, LA Grundschule)
ECTS points 5


ONLINE ---see Meetings

Module assignments


The course is designed to provide an introduction to the scientific field of Cultural Studies, to the main aspects and issues of American and British history and culture, and to scientific research methods. Each session will deal with a specific historical or cultural theme such as religion, politics, immigration, gender concepts, media power etc. Within each of these fields of enquiry, we will focus on particular questions and case studies. The aim of sessions is twofold: on the one hand, we will study cultural phenomena and on the other hand, we will apply methods and theories of Cultural Studies in order to explore them.

In the interest of everybody's health and other impediments caused by Covid-19, this is a hybrid module. It consists of three units: an independent online learning and exam module on ILIAS (1), (2), live seminar sessions, and an online tutorial class (3). You find all necessary and detailed information in the seminar schedule file here on Stud.IP.

(1) You will find the Online Learning and Exam Module under Lernobjekte in November. Please check and read the instructions carefully.

(2) Live sessions will be offered for groups of 50 students every other week EITHER on Thursday or Friday, please sign into the correct group in "TeilnehmerInnen; Gruppen/Funktionen."

(3) In addition, there is a one hour online tutorial every week (choose one of the nine options in the separate Stud.IP course). In the tutorials you will get acquainted with and practice research methods such as working with different text types and sources, identifying relevant material and citing it appropriately. Furthermore, you will learn about using bibliographical search engines and data bases, about appropriate and effective internet research, and last but not least, about how to write sound scientific papers.

Required Reading:
Skinner, Jody. Anglo-American Cultural Studies. 2. Auflage. Tübingen: UTB, 2016. Print. (make sure to get the 2016 edition!!!)
There will be additional articles and primary material: see seminar schedule.

Dates for Tutorials (select one! and sign into ONE on Stud.IP)
Montag, 15.30-16.15 Uhr (Esther Wetzel)
Montag, 16.15-17.00 Uhr (Esther Wetzel)
Montag, 18-18.45 Uhr (Esther Wetzel)
Mittwoch, 15.30-16.15 Uhr (Hanna Laser)
Mittwoch, 16.15-17.00 Uhr (Hanna Laser)
Donnerstag, 15.30-16.15 Uhr (Philipp Leinenbach)
Donnerstag, 16.20-17.05 Uhr (Philipp Leinenbach)
Freitag, 8.15-9.00 Uhr (Anja Pönisch)
Freitag, 9.10-9.55 (Anja Pönisch)
jeweils 23 Personen

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Beschränkte Teilnehmendenanzahl: Basismodul: Einführung in das Studium der angloamerikanischen Kulturwissenschaft".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • A defined number of seats will be assigned to these courses.
    The seats will be assigned in order of enrolment.
  • The enrolment is possible from 19.10.2020, 09:00 to 02.11.2020, 00:00.

Registration mode

After enrolment, participants will manually be selected.

Die Kurszuweisung erfolgt nach Dringlichkeit und wird manuell vom Institut vorgenommen.