Vorlesung: Intermediate Chinese - B2.1 - Details
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(HS E)
Mittwoch: 16:00 - 18:00, wöchentlich (15x)


This class is for the students who have completed the Beginning Chinese series, and want to improve their ability of communicating in Chinese.
This class is also to prepare them to take HSK (hàn,汉yǔ,语shuǐ,水píng,平kǎo,考shì,试).
In this course, students will be focused on more advanced vocabulary, grammar and cultural concept. By the end of the session students will improve their conversational ability and will be able to take HSK-level2 or HSK-level 3.

Textbook: New Practical Chinese Reader and HSK material

Final grades include: homework, participation, quiz, final examination.
The course is taught in Chinese and English.