Vorlesung: Internationale Agrarentwicklung / International Agricultural Development - Details
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Veranstaltungsname Vorlesung: Internationale Agrarentwicklung / International Agricultural Development
Untertitel The economic organisation of agriculture
Veranstaltungsnummer AGE.04089
Semester SS 2015
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 4
Heimat-Einrichtung Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Transformationsökonomien
beteiligte Einrichtungen Institut für Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften
Veranstaltungstyp Vorlesung in der Kategorie Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
Erster Termin Freitag, 10.04.2015 08:15 - 09:45, Ort: (Konferenzraum I, IAMO (Theodor-Lieser-Str. 2))
Teilnehmende The aim of this course is to review main analytical issues in the organisation of agricultural production worldwide. It is divided into four parts, each consisting of three sessions. Starting with the renewed debate on the desirable future organisation of farming to meet global food security and some analytical fundamentals in part I, a number of key controversies in the economic literature on farming organisation will be explored in part II. In part III, a selection of important types of farm organisation will be analysed, with an eye to applications in IAMOs target regions. The final part addresses major problems and effects of government activities to influence farm organisation.
Voraussetzungen Participants are expected to have an intermediate proficiency level of microeconomics. Furthermore, they should be able to read and understand English language texts and follow English teaching.
Lernorganisation The 12 core sessions will focus on a single piece of literature which students are required to study prior to class. Specifically, students are required to hand in an excerpt of each of the 12 texts no later than midnight preceding the class in which the respective text will be discussed.
Leistungsnachweis The final grade for MSc students consists of two components: the average grade of the excerpts plus an oral exam on one of the four parts of the course. The excerpts contribute 60% to the final grade, the exam 40%. After each part of the course, the instructor randomly selects one out of the three excerpts each student has submitted, grades it and returns it to the student. The grading evaluates the accuracy of the responses with regard to the two items, adherence to the word count, and how focused, succinct and readable the excerpt is written. Late excerpts are graded with non-sufficient (nicht ausreichend).
Each student must select one out of the four parts of the course for oral examination. For the exam, students should be thoroughly familiar with the assigned readings marked with * for the three classes and with their class notes for the chosen part. The oral examination takes 20 minutes. Its date can be arranged flexibly with the instructor as soon as the part to be examined is concluded in class. Oral exams can be held in English or German language.
Studiengänge (für) Master students in Agricultural Economics, Economics, International Area Studies.

Räume und Zeiten

(Konferenzraum I, IAMO (Theodor-Lieser-Str. 2))
Freitag: 08:15 - 09:45, wöchentlich (12x)
(Hörsaal, IAMO (Theodor-Lieser-Str. 2))
Freitag, 24.04.2015 08:15 - 09:45