CHE.05560.04 - Polymer Engineering Science (Vollständige Modulbeschreibung)

CHE.05560.04 - Polymer Engineering Science (Vollständige Modulbeschreibung)

Originalfassung Englisch
CHE.05560.04 8 CP
Modulbezeichnung Polymer Engineering Science
Modulcode CHE.05560.04
Semester der erstmaligen Durchführung
Fachbereich/Institut Institut für Chemie
Verwendet in Studiengängen / Semestern
  • Polymer Materials Science (MA120 LP) (Master) > Werkstofftechnik PolymerMaterialScMA120, Akkreditierungsfassung gültig ab WS 2014/15 > Pflichtmodule
Weitere verantwortliche Personen
Prof. Dr. Michael Bartke
  • The students acquire perspectives for the work as a polymer engineer.
  • They study basics of technical/industrial polymerization processes and instrumentation
  • They receive the theoretical background on basic knowledge of polymerization kinetics, kinetic modeling approaches, design of polymerization reactors and industrial polymerization processes.
  • They acquire a basic knowledge about physical properties of polymeric materials, including composites.
This module covers advanced topics of polymer engineering. The lectures Polymer Reaction Engineering and Polymeric Materials combine the experience from lab scale to the requirements of industrial application.
1. Polymer Reaction Engineering
  • Classification of polyreactions and polymerization processes
  • Kinetics and kinetic modeling of polymerizations and molecular weight distributions (free-radical, emulsion, coordinative polymerization)
  • Rheological properties of reaction mixtures
  • Design and dimensioning of polymerization reactors, heat removal, mixing, non-idealities
  • Industrial polymerization processes
  • Seminar topics (Material balances of ideal chemical reactors; Calculation of polymerization kinetics on selected examples; Calculation of molecular weight distributions; Application examples on dimensioning of polymerization reactor; Heat removal calculations for polymerization reactors; examples on non-ideal reactors and selectivity effects)
2. Polymeric Materials
  • Chemical and physical structure, Liquid/melt - solid transition: crystallization / glass transition
  • Mechanical behaviour: elastic deformation / rubbery-elasticity / visco-elastic behavior of polymeric solids / plastic deformation, Basics of melt flow
  • Thermal, optical, electrical, acoustic properties of polymers
  • Polymeric materials: structure, properties, applications:
a) Thermoplastics (commodity polymers, polyesters/-amides, high-performance polymers)
b) Elastomers
c) Thermosets
d) Blends and composites
  • Material balances of ideal chemical reactors
  • Calculation of polymerization kinetics on selected examples

  • Calculation of molecular weight distributions

Examples on non-ideal reactors and selectivity effects
Polymer Computer Modelling
Lehrveranstaltungsformen Vorlesung (2 SWS)
Seminar (2 SWS)
Vorlesung (2 SWS)
Seminar (1 SWS)
Unterrichtsprachen Deutsch, Englisch
Dauer in Semestern 1 Semester Semester
Angebotsrhythmus Modul jedes Wintersemester
Aufnahmekapazität Modul unbegrenzt
Credit-Points 8 CP
Modulabschlussnote LV 1: %; LV 2: %; LV 3: %; LV 4: %; LV 5: %.
Faktor der Modulnote für die Endnote des Studiengangs 1
Modulveran­staltung Lehrveranstaltungs­form Veranstaltungs­titel SWS Workload Präsenz Workload Vor- / Nach­bereitung Workload selbstge­staltete Arbeit Workload Prüfung incl. Vorbereitung Workload Summe
LV 1 Vorlesung Lecture Polymer Reaction Engineering 2 0
LV 2 Seminar Seminar Polymer Reaction Engineering 2 0
LV 3 Vorlesung Lecture Polymeric Materials 2 0
LV 4 Seminar Seminar Polymeric Materials 1 0
LV 5 Kursus Private study 0
Workload modulbezogen 240 240
Workload Modul insgesamt 240
Prüfung Prüfungsvorleistung Prüfungsform
LV 1
LV 2
LV 3
LV 4
LV 5
seminar (Polymer Reaction Engineering) problem set solutions, seminar (Polymeric Materials) problem set solutions
oral or written examination
Regularien Teilnahme­voraussetzungen Angebots­rhythmus Anwesenheits­pflicht Gewicht an Modulnote in %
LV 1 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 2 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 3 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 4 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 5 Wintersemester Nein %