PHY.05563.03 - Polymer Physics (Complete module description)

PHY.05563.03 - Polymer Physics (Complete module description)

Original version English
PHY.05563.03 10 CP
Module label Polymer Physics
Module code PHY.05563.03
Semester of first implementation
Faculty/Institute Institut für Physik
Module used in courses of study / semesters
  • Polymer Materials Science (MA120 LP) (Master) > Werkstofftechnik PolymerMaterialScMA120, Version of accreditation valid from WS 2014/15 > Pflichtmodule
Responsible person for this module
Further responsible persons
Prof. Dr. Kay Saalwächter
Skills to be acquired in this module
  • The students become acquainted with the fundamental concepts of experimental polymer physics.
  • They learn and apply the theoretical fundamentals and the experimental physical methods used to characterize and investigate polymer materials.
  • They gain practical experience with basic methods in experimental polymer physics.
  • They will understand the properties of polymer surfaces.
  • They receive the knowledge on methods and technologies to modify and analyze polymer surfaces.
Module contents
This module covers basic topics of polymer physics. The lectures Introduction to Polymer Physics and Polymer Surface Science give an overview over the broad spectrum of physical aspects of polymeric samples. The lab course Polymer Physical Lab accompanies the lectures and show the examples of the different characterization methods.
1. Introduction to Polymer Physics
  • Structure of single chains (ideal vs. real chains, scattering, semidilute solutions and melts)
  • Mechanical properties of polymers (liquids vs. solids, rubber elasticity, viscoelasticity, relaxation processes in polymer melts, Debye relaxation, flow behavior, time-temperature superposition and glass transition)
  • Molecular structure and weight distributions (chemical structure, architecture, polymerization processes, determination of structures and molecular weights)
  • Microscopic models for polymer dynamics (viscosity and diffusion, Rouse model, entanglements and reptation)
  • Thermodynamics of solutions and melts (dilute and semidilute solutions, Flory-Huggins theory, kinetics of phase separation, block copolymers, semicrystalline polymers)
2. Polymer Surface Science
  • Surface vs. bulk
  • Surface composition and ordering
  • Dynamic surface processes (adsorption, desorption, diffusion)
  • Surface tension
  • Surface analysis (XPS, SIMS, SEM, AFM)
  • Surface modification by deposition (wet processes, dry processes, CVD, PE-CVD, PVD), polymer film growth
  • Surface modification and functionalization (wet and dry etching, grafting, plasma treatment)
  • Polymer in lithography
  • Technical applications for surface modification
Lab course:
1. Lab course Polymer Physical Lab e.g.
  • Rheology/mechanical spectroscopy
  • DSC
  • Polarization microscopy
Forms of instruction Lecture (3 SWS)
Lecture (2 SWS)
Practical training (1 SWS)
Seminar (1 SWS)
Languages of instruction German, English
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester Semester
Module frequency jedes Sommersemester
Module capacity unlimited
Time of examination
Credit points 10 CP
Share on module final degree Course 1: %; Course 2: %; Course 3: %; Course 4: %; Course 5: %.
Share of module grade on the course of study's final grade 1
Module course label Course type Course title SWS Workload of compulsory attendance Workload of preparation / homework etc Workload of independent learning Workload (examination and preparation) Sum workload
Course 1 Lecture Lecture Introduction to Polymer Physics 3 0
Course 2 Lecture Lecture Polymer Surface Science 2 0
Course 3 Practical training Lab Course Polymer Physics Lab 1 0
Course 4 Seminar Seminar Introduction to Polymer Physics 1 0
Course 5 Course Private study 0
Workload by module 300 300
Total module workload 300
Examination Exam prerequisites Type of examination
Course 1
Course 2
Course 3
Course 4
Course 5
Final exam of module
completed lab course protocols, written examination and seminar problem set solutions `Polymer Physics`, written examination `Polymer Surface Science`
oral examination
Exam repetition information
Prerequisites and conditions Prerequisites Frequency Compulsory attendance Share on module grade in percent
Course 1 Summer semester No %
Course 2 Summer semester No %
Course 3 Summer semester No %
Course 4 Summer semester No %
Course 5 Summer semester No %