CHE.05562.06 - Polymer Chemistry (Vollständige Modulbeschreibung)

CHE.05562.06 - Polymer Chemistry (Vollständige Modulbeschreibung)

Originalfassung Englisch
CHE.05562.06 10 CP
Modulbezeichnung Polymer Chemistry
Modulcode CHE.05562.06
Semester der erstmaligen Durchführung
Fachbereich/Institut Institut für Chemie
Verwendet in Studiengängen / Semestern
  • Polymer Materials Science (MA120 LP) (Master) > Werkstofftechnik PolymerMaterialScMA120, Akkreditierungsfassung gültig ab WS 2014/15 > Pflichtmodule
Weitere verantwortliche Personen
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Binder
  • The students can apply their knowledge of basic concepts of polymer synthesis, terminology, synthesis, and characterization of composition and molar mass and distributions.
  • They deepen their knowledge of basic concepts of organic chemistry and polymer synthesis.
  • They understand and can qualify the role of synthetic polymers, including the necessities and their recycling strategies in view of modern societal needs and demands.
  • They learn to handle chemicals safely, basics of organic/polymer synthesis, preparation and purification techniques.
  • They can apply analytical methods for structural and materials applications.
  • They learn about writing of scientific reports.
This module covers basic topics of polymer chemistry. The lecture Introduction to Macromolecules gives an overview on the general aspects of polymers and the lecture Organic Chemistry and Polymer Synthesis deepens the view on the basic synthesis and characterization methods. The lab course Basic Chemistry and Polymerization Lab allows the student to perform their first polymerization including all preparative steps like distillation of educts up to precipitation of products.
1. Introduction to Macromolecules
  • General introduction and history of polymer science
  • General principles of polymer synthesis (step growth, chain growth, thermodynamics, kinetics, copolymerization, technical polymerizations, living polymerization)
  • Reactions with polymers: isomerization, grafting, crosslinking
  • Basics of polymer characterization: end-group titration/NMR, osmometry, viscosity, chromatography, mass spectrometry, Flory-Huggins theory, polymer additives
  • Microphase-separated polymers: block copolymers, thin films, amphiphilic polymers in solvents, micelles, polymer crystallization, amorphous state
  • Polymer materials and their bioprofiles (recycling, degradation, biological asessments)
  • Applications of polymers in medicine, microelectronics, in society.
2. Organic Chemistry and Polymer Synthesis
  • Basic principles of organic chemistry
  • Reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry
  • Principles of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis
  • Basics of solution-state NMR
  • Free-radical and controlled free-radical polymerizations
  • Living polymerizations, block copolymer synthesis
  • Catalytic polymerizations (Ziegler/Natta, metallocene, ROMP)
  • Polycondensation
  • Network synthesis/thermosets
Lab course:
1. Basic Chemistry and Polymerization Lab
  • Basic operations (distillation, recrystallization, precipitation)
  • Esterification, amidation, Free-radical polymerization
  • Suspension/emulsion polymerization, Resin preparation (amino-, epoxy-resins)
Lehrveranstaltungsformen Vorlesung (1 SWS)
Seminar (1 SWS)
Vorlesung (2 SWS)
Praktikum (5 SWS)
Seminar (1 SWS)
Unterrichtsprachen Deutsch, Englisch
Dauer in Semestern 1 Semester Semester
Angebotsrhythmus Modul jedes Wintersemester
Aufnahmekapazität Modul unbegrenzt
Credit-Points 10 CP
Modulabschlussnote LV 1: %; LV 2: %; LV 3: %; LV 4: %; LV 5: %; LV 6: %.
Faktor der Modulnote für die Endnote des Studiengangs 1
Modulveran­staltung Lehrveranstaltungs­form Veranstaltungs­titel SWS Workload Präsenz Workload Vor- / Nach­bereitung Workload selbstge­staltete Arbeit Workload Prüfung incl. Vorbereitung Workload Summe
LV 1 Vorlesung Lecture Introduction to Macromolecules 1 0
LV 2 Seminar Seminar Introduction to Macromolecules 1 0
LV 3 Vorlesung Lecture Organic Chemistry and Polymer Synthesis 2 0
LV 4 Praktikum Lab course Basic Chemistry and Polymerization Lab 5 0
LV 5 Seminar Seminar Organic Chemistry and Polymer Synthesis 1 0
LV 6 Kursus Private study 0
Workload modulbezogen 300 300
Workload Modul insgesamt 300
Prüfung Prüfungsvorleistung Prüfungsform
LV 1
LV 2
LV 3
LV 4
LV 5
LV 6
completed lab course protocols and lab-safety examinations, written examination Macromolecules, Organic Chemistry and Polymer Synthesis I, written examination Macromolecules, Organic Chemistry and Polymer Synthesis II
oral or written examination
Regularien Teilnahme­voraussetzungen Angebots­rhythmus Anwesenheits­pflicht Gewicht an Modulnote in %
LV 1 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 2 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 3 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 4 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 5 Wintersemester Nein %
LV 6 Wintersemester Nein %