Module directory - Combinations of field of study and final degree

Module directory - Combinations of field of study and final degree

Combinations of field of study and final degree > Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte des vorislamischen Orients (MA45/75 LP)
Archäologie Archäolog.uKunstOrMA45/75

Archäologie Archäolog.uKunstOrMA45/75, Akkreditierungsfassung (WS 2021/22 - WiSe 2025/26)

Name / CP Module Module component Semester
1 2 3
ATW.07479.01 - 02 Kritische Lektüre von Fachliteratur, valid from WiSe 2023/24 LV 1: Seminar (Seminar) +   +
LV 2: Kursus (Selbststudium) +   +
ATW.07478.01 - 01 Praktikum, valid from WiSe 2023/24 LV 1: Praktikum (Praktikum) +   +