Vorlesung: Advanced Polymer Engineering - Details
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Veranstaltungsname Vorlesung: Advanced Polymer Engineering
Untertitel Polymer Structure and Morphology
Veranstaltungsnummer INW.05571.01
Semester SS 2021
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 35
Heimat-Einrichtung Experimentelle Physik (Polymerphysik)
Veranstaltungstyp Vorlesung in der Kategorie Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
Erster Termin Dienstag, 13.04.2021 13:00 - 14:30

Räume und Zeiten

Keine Raumangabe
Dienstag: 13:00 - 14:30, wöchentlich


Scattering techniques: basic principles & general aspects, primary scattering and interference, comparison X-rays and neutrons, radiation sources and detectors; X-ray diffraction (WAXS): typical setups, diffraction by crystals, Braggs law and Laue condition, Miller indices, Structure factor and lattice factor, scattering of amorphous materials and liquids; small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS): typical setups, application to semi-crystalline and self-assembled polymers, Guinier law and application to disordered systems; Imaging techniques: light microscopy, atomic force microscopy, electron microscopy techniques