Seminar: BA Aufbaumodul Internationale Beziehungen und europäische Politik (Seminar 2 - The future of transatlantic) - Details

Seminar: BA Aufbaumodul Internationale Beziehungen und europäische Politik (Seminar 2 - The future of transatlantic) - Details

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General information

Course name Seminar: BA Aufbaumodul Internationale Beziehungen und europäische Politik (Seminar 2 - The future of transatlantic)
Subtitle The future of transatlantic rela-tions: changes, chances and chal-lenges
Semester WS 2014/15
Current number of participants 3
expected number of participants 32
Home institute Politikwissenschaft
participating institutes Internationale Beziehungen und europäische Politik
Courses type Seminar in category Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
First date Monday, 13.10.2014 16:00 - 18:00, Room: (HS Z [Mel])
Participants A presentation and research paper are expected of each student. This seminar (5 LP) can count against the “Advanced module International Relations and European politics” or the “Additional module International Relations and European politics”. The references for each session (see below) as well as the respective position papers (uploaded on StudIP prior to each session) are compulsory for each student. Both will serve as a basis for the discussions in each seminar. The assignation of presentation topics will be done during the first session on 13.10.2014.
Pre-requisites What to bear in mind for the preparation:

- Each talk should not exceed 15-20 minutes and should furthermore be regarded as a basis for further discussions with the rest of the course.
- A position paper of no more than 2 pages has to be coordinated with the lecturer at least a week before the talk. Subsequently it has to be finalized and uploaded for the rest of the course on the Friday (by 6 p.m.) before the presentation. Otherwise this seminar cannot be passed.
- The presentation should not be limited to summarizing the compulsory readings.
- Furthermore the presentation should stimulate the rest of the course to participate in the subsequent discussion.

Rooms and times

(HS Z [Mel])
Monday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (14x)


In light of the current crisis in Ukraine and the turmoil in the Mideast it is ever more important to think about the prospective orientation of transatlantic relations – especially since these examples are only two of many issues challenging the transatlantic community these days. The free trade agreement between the European Union and the United States, the changes NATO has been undergoing as well as the so-called U.S. pivot to Asia are also concerns this seminar will address among others.
Apart from the specific issues mentioned the seminar will also reflect on the future of transatlantic relations from different perspectives including economic, foreign, and security policies. In addition the development of U.S.-European ties will be examined as well as different schools of thought of International Relations with regard to the history and future of transatlantic affairs.

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Anmeldung gesperrt: Gruppe BA Aufbaumodul Internationale Beziehungen und europäische Politik".
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  • Admission locked.