Seminar: Statehood in Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia - Details

Seminar: Statehood in Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Seminar: Statehood in Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia
Untertitel Comparative perspectives on criminalisation of the state, neo-patrimonialism and the 'hydraulic state'
Veranstaltungsnummer BA: GKV
Semester WS 2013/14
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 1
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 35
Heimat-Einrichtung Ethnologie/Kulturvergleichende Soziologie
Veranstaltungstyp Seminar in der Kategorie Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
Erster Termin Donnerstag, 17.10.2013 14:15 - 15:45
Teilnehmende The anthropology and sociology of the state is a relatively young sub-discipline that was mainly focused on postcolonial developments in African and South American societies. Central topics were the criminalization of the state, neo-patrimonialism, nepotism and politics of the belly. A historical side-line of investigation into state formation, which concentrated on South Asia, is Wittfogel’s ‘Oriental despotism’ and his concept of ‘hydraulic society’ which has considerable comparative potential. We argue that patterns of state formation and state practices in Central Asian states, particularly since the end of the Soviet Union, are similar to those that can be found in Sub-Saharan Africa since independence. Both larger geographic regions are characterized by past colonialism, national economies based on the export of raw materials and partly, agricultural products, huge social and economic transformations in the wake of national independence, governments deeply involved in clanism and tribalism and related practices of nepotistic, neo-patrimonial and partly criminal rule.

The seminar sets out to compare state formation and state practices in post-communist and post-soviet and post-colonial African settings. Students both interested in Asia and in Africa will have an opportunity to reflect on the state practices and compare similarities and differences of different regional settings.

Lektüreempfehlung: Bayart Jeans-François, 1993. The state in Africa: The politics of the belly, London and New York:Longman.
Bayart Jeans-François, Ellis S. and Hibou B., 1999. The criminalization of the State in Africa, Transl. from French by Ellis.S., Oxford: James Currey with Bloomington:Indiana University Press.
Wittfogel K.A. 1958. Oriental Despotism: A comparative study of total power, New Haven: Yale University Press.
Studiengänge (für) BA
Sonstiges Der Kurs wird auf Englisch unterrichtet. Alle Studien- und Modulleistungen werden auf Englisch erbracht.

Räume und Zeiten

Keine Raumangabe
Donnerstag: 14:15 - 15:45, wöchentlich(13x)
Donnerstag, 09.01.2014 14:15 - 15:45
Freitag, 10.01.2014 14:15 - 20:15


The anthropology and sociology of the state is a relatively young sub-discipline that was mainly focused on postcolonial developments in African and South American societies. Central topics were the criminalization of the state, neo-patrimonialism, nepotism and politics of the belly. A historical side-line of investigation into state formation, which concentrated on South Asia, is Wittfogel's 'Oriental despotism' and his concept of 'hydraulic society' which has considerable comparative potential. We argue that patterns of state formation and state practices in Central Asian states, particularly since the end of the Soviet Union, are similar to those that can be found in Sub-Saharan Africa since independence. Both larger geographic regions are characterized by past colonialism, national economies based on the export of raw materials and partly, agricultural products, huge social and economic transformations in the wake of national independence, governments deeply involved in clanism and tribalism and related practices of nepotistic, neo-patrimonial and partly criminal rule.