Seminar: AM Englische Literatur: Maori Writing in English - Details

Seminar: AM Englische Literatur: Maori Writing in English - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Seminar: AM Englische Literatur: Maori Writing in English
Semester WiSe 2023/24
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 21
Heimat-Einrichtung Englische Literatur und Kultur
Veranstaltungstyp Seminar in der Kategorie Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
Erster Termin Montag, 09.10.2023 10:15 - 11:45, Ort: Seminarraum 2 [AKStr.35] (Angl.)
Teilnehmende Studierende im Lehramt
Voraussetzungen erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Basismodul Literaturwissenschaft
Lernorganisation Ihimaera, Witi. The Whale Rider: If possible, please obtain either the 2006/07 Cornelsen volume (only available used at the moment), or the New Windmills KS3 Heinemanns edition - both come with a glossary of terms. Should you have problems obtaining either of these editions, I recommend additionally using Te Aka, a Maori-English dictionary app, or subscribe to the online Maori language dictionary Wakareo
Ihimaera's novel is also available at the Internet Archive.

Hulme, Keri. The Bone People. MacMillan 2001.
Kinane, Emma. Anahera. Oberon Modern Plays. Oberon Books, 2019.

Additional reading to prepare yourself for this course:
Williams, Mark. A History of New Zealand Literature. CUP, 2016. I.2 and IV.19. (available via VPN at the library website)
Mein Smith, Philippa. A Concise History of New Zealand. CUP 2012. (ditto)
Leistungsnachweis Studienleistung: Referat, Tests (Primärtextkenntnis); aktive Teilnahme (Diskussionsbeitrag)
Prüfungsleistung: mündliche Prüfung 30 min.
Studiengänge (für) LAG
ECTS-Punkte 5



Caveat: Maori writing has tackled a culture of violence with unflinching and often unsparing directness. I would like to provide a trigger warning for participants in this seminar, particularly for those who may be sensitive to themes of violence, child abuse, and alcoholism. The selected texts, including Kinane’s play as well as "The Bone People" by Keri Hulme, delve into distressing subject matters that are meant to evoke strong emotional responses and discomfort in their audiences/readers and engender social debates and cultural change. While the seminar aims to foster a rich and critical understanding of Maori writing in English, it is essential to recognize that the content of these texts may be distressing or triggering for participants. If you have concerns or apprehensions about these themes, please feel free to reach out to me for additional resources or support.

This seminar delves into Maori literary expressions within the context of anglophone literatures. We will focus on a selection of richly complex, seminal and canonized texts, notably including Witi Ihimaera's novel "Whale Rider" (1987), a work that holds particular significance as it is not only part of the Maori literary canon but was already integrated into curriculae within German schools. Additionally, the syllabus will encompass Emma Kinane's contemporary play "Anahera" (2018), and a selection of poetry authored by various Maori writers. We will finish the term with our reading of Keri Hulme's intricate and contentious novel "The Bone People" (1984), New Zealand’s first novel to win the Booker Prize. The spiritual closure of Hulme's novel, which taps into traditional Maori religion, has puzzled some critics and demands an in-depth consideration of indigenous imagery, mythology and narrative style. This seminar, characterized by its intersection of literary and indigenous-cultural inquiries, thus endeavours to equip students with a nuanced understanding of Maori literature in English across various genre, and empower them to navigate these texts with both critical understanding and cultural sensitivity.
Poems will be provided for download in the Stud-IP. Please obtain the editions listed above in paper form.