andere Veranstaltung: Tag der Forschung WS 2020/21 – Internationalisierung in den Erziehungswissenschaften - Details
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Course name andere Veranstaltung: Tag der Forschung WS 2020/21 – Internationalisierung in den Erziehungswissenschaften
Semester WS 2020/21
Current number of participants 3
Home institute Körperpädagogik
participating institutes Philosophische Fakultät III - Erziehungswissenschaften
Courses type andere Veranstaltung in category Sonstige Veranstaltungen
First date Wednesday, 27.01.2021 07:45 - 11:30

Rooms and times

No room preference
Wednesday, 27.01.2021 07:45 - 11:30


Liebe Kolleg*innen, liebe Studierende,
der diesjährige Tag der Forschung an unserer Fakultät wird unter dem Thema
Internationalisierung in den Erziehungswissenschaften
stehen. Er findet am 27. Januar 2021 in der Zeit von 7.45 Uhr bis 11.30 Uhr als
digitales Angebot statt.

Ins Thema einführen wird Prof. Dr. Norm Friesen (Boise State
University/USA) mit dem folgenden Vortrag:

Internationalizing Academic Publication: Beyond Translation

Anknüpfend an diesen Beitrag möchten wir die Frage nach möglichen
Internationalisierungsperspektiven in den forschungsorientierten Arbeitskontexten
unserer Fakultät in kleineren Workshops erörtern.

Abstract des Eröffnungsvortrages (wird auf deutsch stattfinden)

Prof. Dr. Norm Friesen (Boise State University/USA)

Internationalizing Academic Publication: Beyond Translation

As academic work becomes increasingly internationalized, the process of writing in English and
publishing in British and American journals can pose a significant challenge for European scholars.
This challenge goes well beyond the matter of simply translating the words of a text from German into
English. It extends into questions of the construction of various disciplines and of the character of
academic knowledge in both languages. Although this is of course not so much a problem in the
natural sciences, it can be an enormous challenge in the humanities and the social sciences which
form the focus of this presentation. Prof. Dr. Norm Friesen (Boise State University), translator of two
books and multiple articles from German into English in both education and media theory, discusses
questions of translatability and disciplinary heterogeneity across both the Channel and the Atlantic.
Focusing specifically on examples of Praxeologie, Handlungstheorie as well as education
(Erziehungswissenschaft) more broadly, Friesen illustrates how the principal difficulty of publication in
English often comes down to a question of working to “know what is not known” – either in one’s own
understanding, or (more commonly) in the disciplinary constructions of the target language. It is the
difficult matter of making the tacit, unexamined and unfamiliar explicit. Through the use of examples,
Norm Friesen illustrates how to engage in this challenging task, and how heterogeneous disciplinary
constructs and “knowledges” can be compared before the difficult work of translation begins.

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