Advanced seminar: Anglo-German languages Contact - Details
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General information

Course name Advanced seminar: Anglo-German languages Contact
Subtitle Vertiefungsmodul Sprachwissenschaft II (Gebrauch der englischen Sprache) Typ B
Course number ANG.03233.02
Semester SS 2012
Current number of participants 2
Home institute Anglistik / Sprachwissenschaft
Courses type Advanced seminar in category Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
First date Thursday, 12.04.2012 14:00 - 16:00, Room: (Dachritzstr. 12, R. 214)
Performance record Credit:
5 LP: Regular attendance, active participation
Studienleistung: Presentation of a Referat in class
Modulleistung: Poster Presentation / schriftliche Hausarbeit
For assignments, prospective presenters of papers should contact me as early as possible.
Studiengänge (für) Prerequisites:
modularisierte Studiengänge: Aufbaumodul(e) Sprachwissenschaft nach Maßgabe der jeweils zutreffenden Studien- und Prüfungsordnung
Alte Studiengänge: erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Grundstudium

LA alt, MA, D (wahlobl.)
LAS, LAG Englisch [modularisiert] im Einzelnen:
LAS Englisch [modularisiert] 1. Unterrichtsfach (wahlobl.)
LAG Englisch [modularisiert] 1. Unterrichtsfach(wahlobl.)
LAG Englisch [modularisiert] 2. Unterrichtsfach (fak.)
MA 120 Angloamerikanische Literatur, Sprache und Kultur (obl.)
MA 45/75 Englische Sprache und Literatur (obl.)
Miscellanea Registration:
Via Stud.IP and Löwenportal

Rooms and times

(Dachritzstr. 12, R. 214)
Thursday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (14x)


Course Outline:
This seminar will mainly focus on three aspects of Anglo-German language contact: At first, a short historical outline of English loanwords in German will be given, including attitudes towards the influx of Anglicisms. In the next phase, the loanwords will be categorised and the morphological and semantic principles of integration will be analysed. Finally, we shall be looking at the use of Anglicisms in different walks of life such as the language of advertising, the media, youth language, etc.

Basic Reading: A detailed bibliography of writings on the topic will be available from the beginning of term. For assignments, prospective participants should contact me as early as possible. By the first meeting, participants should have read: Ulrich Busse and Manfred Görlach (2002). “German”, in: Manfred Görlach (ed.) English in Europe. Oxford: OUP, 13-36.

Reserve Bookshelf:
A reserve bookshelf will be put up in the departmental library and an extensive bibliography of secondary sources and suggested topics for term papers will be made available.

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