andere Veranstaltung: Memory as a Major Factor in Israeli Literature - Details
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Veranstaltungsname andere Veranstaltung: Memory as a Major Factor in Israeli Literature
Untertitel Gastvortrag von Prof. Masha Itzhaki (INALCO, Paris)
Semester SS 2014
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 0
Heimat-Einrichtung Jüdische Studien / Judaistik
beteiligte Einrichtungen Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft, Sprachen und Kulturen des Christlichen Orients
Veranstaltungstyp andere Veranstaltung in der Kategorie Sonstige Veranstaltungen
Erster Termin Montag, 23.06.2014 18:00 - 20:00, Ort: (Orientalisches Institut, Seminar für Judaistik / Jüdische Studien, Großer Berlin 14; Gr. SR)
Art/Form Gastvortrag

Räume und Zeiten

(Orientalisches Institut, Seminar für Judaistik / Jüdische Studien, Großer Berlin 14; Gr. SR)
Montag, 23.06.2014 18:00 - 20:00



The lecture deals with the very up-to-date Israeli literature as an expression of the nowadays Israeli society. Thus the identity matter is not anymore a question of a one-way wishful ideology, that strives to avoid the past as an elementary basis of a collective memory. It is rather a multicultural matter, dealing with ethnic authenticity, and proposing to the mainstream Israeli European culture an alternative: the acceptance of the Other and his story/history as an essential part of a multicultural society in the process of self-construction.
The narrative of Aharon Appelfeld, consisting on a triple transmission of the past souvenirs, the trauma of being uprooted and disintegrated on the margins of a new society, leading, step by step, to an adjustment and a possibility of a reconstructed identity, is a very interesting example of the narrative of Israeli society as a whole, a society of immigrants. It is Appelfeld’s reception that marks the beginning of a new attitude concerning mainly Oriental as well as Arabic writers.