Seminar: Seminar "Dispute Settlement in Transnational Economic Law" - Details
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Veranstaltungsname Seminar: Seminar "Dispute Settlement in Transnational Economic Law"
Untertitel Module 3 of the Joint Master of International Economic Law
Semester SS 2009
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 0
Heimat-Einrichtung Prof. Dr. Christian Tietje
beteiligte Einrichtungen Institut für Wirtschaftsrecht
Veranstaltungstyp Seminar in der Kategorie Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
Teilnehmende The seminar is a mandatory course for students pursuing the postgraduate master's degree "Joint Master of International Economic Law" (Module 2, Module Achievement 3). In addition, all topics are recognized as module achievements for the “Studiengang Wirtschaftsrecht“ and the Schwerpunktbereich ‘Internationales, Transnationales und Europäisches Recht’.

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The seminar offers students an opportunity to gain familiarity with the various means and procedures of dispute settlement in current transnational economic law. Participating students are required to write a seminar paper and give an oral presentation summarizing the results of their research. The seminar will be conducted in English and is going to take place on 2/3 July 2009 at the Leucorea in Wittenberg. The indicated topics will be assigned to two students each and shall be analysed in a joint paper and oral presentation. The seminar is a mandatory course for students pursuing the postgraduate master's degree "Joint Master of International Economic Law" (Module 2, Module Achievement 3). In addition, all topics are recognized as module achievements for the “Studiengang Wirtschaftsrecht“ and the Schwerpunktbereich ‘Internationales, Transnationales und Europäisches Recht’. Interested students are asked to contact Prof. Dr. Christian Tietje ( or Dr. Karsten Nowrot ( ).