Colloquium: Polymer Colloquium / Polymer & Soft Matter Seminar - Details
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General information

Course name Colloquium: Polymer Colloquium / Polymer & Soft Matter Seminar
Subtitle PMS: Intro. Polymer Research
Semester WiSe 2023/24
Current number of participants 11
Home institute Physikalische Chemie der Polymere
participating institutes Experimentelle Physik (Hochfrequenzspektroskopie), Experimentelle Physik (Polymerphysik)
Courses type Colloquium in category Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
First date Tuesday, 10.10.2023 16:15 - 17:45, Room: Seminarraum 1.27 [VDP 4] (Ch)
Studiengänge (für) Polymer Materials Science, 3rd semester


10.10.2023 Prof. Dr. Ralf Wehrspohn, MLU
17.10.2023 Prof. Dr. Rameshwar Adhikari, Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST) Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.
24.10.2023 Prof. Dr. Chris McNeill/Monash University
31.10.2023 Public Holiday
07.11.2023 Prof. Dr. Eva von Domaros, FSU Jena
14.11.2023 Prof. Dr. Martina Delbianco, MPI Potsdam
21.11.2023 Prof. Dr. Karsten Mäder, MLU
28.11.2023 Prof. Dr. Mehdi Davari, IPB
05.12.2023 Prof. Dr. Felix Schacher, FSU Jena
12.12.2023 Prof. Dr. Andreas Herrmann, RWTH Aachen
09.01.2024 Prof. Dr. Robert Göstl, RWTH Aachen
16.01.2024 Prof. Dr. Christian Franke, FSU Jena
23.01.2024 Prof. Dr. Seema Agarwal, University of Bayreuth
30.01.2024 Prof. Dr. Helmut Schlaad, University Potsdam (cancelled)